*Ĝhanged config_gamepad() call to include rumble and pressures options *ğixed issue with DEBUG mode, had to send serial at once instead of in bits *Ědded button definitions for shapes as well as colors. * Added debug code enabled by compiler directives. *ğixed mode check to include two other possible modes the controller could be in. CuriousInventor says it's suppose to be 500kHz, but doesn't seem to work for everybody. Was running at 50kHz, not the required 500kHz. * found bad math by Shutter for original clock. * added auto-increasing sentence delay to see if it helps compatibility. * Analog sticks and pressures all through 'ps2x.Analog()' function * added time checking to reconfigure controller if not polled enough
* 1.0 found and fixed bug that wasn't configuring controller * removed 'PS' from begining of ever function
* 0.1 made into library, added analog stick support. * Revamped, made into lib by and supporting continued development: * Original code by Shutter on Arduino Forums * Super amazing PS2 controller Arduino Library v1.8